Rates & membership options
monthly options
$220 +GST
Unlimited Classes. Auto-renewal. Our most popular membership. Come 3-5x per week and see the best results.
3 Month Pre-Paid
$630 + GST
Save $ by committing to 3 months up front. Unlimited classes and auto-renewal.
6 month pre-paid
$1200 + GST
Save even more $ by committing to 6 months up front! Unlimited classes and auto-renewal.
12 month pre-paid
$2280 + GST
Our highest value membership. Saving you the most $ by committing to 1 year. Unlimited Classes and auto-renewal.
drop-in & pack options
10x pass
10 classes. 1 year expiry - not auto renewal
1 week pass
Here for a short while? 1 week unlimited classes!
here for a single visit or want to try us out before committing to a membership!